Archive for September 2014

Swatch'd: Check & Tweed by Catrice

Hi Dolls,

Feathers. Feathers everywhere, ugh! And finally: One lonely British display, almost emtpied. I didn't know if or which polishes I'd pick from this collection. My problem was solved as soon as I bumped into this collection, as there were only two shades available. I then decided that those two were indeed the prettiest among them all.

After the previous two swatch'd posts (here and here), you probably guessed the nude tone called England's Rose. I was extremely torn about this colour, press photo was meh, swatches looked like just another generic polish... But in person! Interesting, alluring, tempting.. Get in my shopping cart. 
The second one is London Calling. Always! London is always calling me and you never go wrong with blue polishes.
While I was preparing the text for this post, I came across another Check & Tweed  display, this time untouched aside from one of the orange polishes missing. So I now faced the full palette of colours, but I decided I really only liked the red... brown... whatever tone, from the ones I was missing.

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Swatch'd: Sally Hansen 2014 Fall collection

Hello Dolls,

I've known Sally for a while now, I first met her during my early teenage years, when I was bluntly told that my polishing skills suck. (Come one, I was 11-12ish and who painted their nails perfectly on the first go?) Anyway, that was back in Singapore. Now Sally has made her way down to Europe and yes, she even appears here in Switzerland and despite our old friendship, I'd always pass by her shelves without saying hi. I decided this had to change and thus, I picked up two polishes from the new Fall collection, which I found locally.

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Lovelaque Challenge - Herbst (Autumn)

Der Herbst ist da!

Von allen 4 Jahreszeiten mag ich den Herbst am liebsten. Die Stimmung ist einerseits melancholisch (alles verwelkt oder stirbt, das Wetter ist trist etc. etc.) andererseits wird's schön kühl, so richtiges Kuschelwetter Kakaowetter. Und man hat nicht andauernd das Gefühl etwas zu verpassen, nur weil man den Tag/Abend lieber zu Hause unter der Decke verbringt, ha...

Of all the 4 seasons Autumn is by far my favourite. You get this gloomy, melancholic mood all around you (everything withers and dies, the weather's cloudy etc. etc.) It also cools down a lot, perfect weather to snuggle up... Or just have a hot chocolate. Also, I can just stay home under my blanket and not feel like I'm missing out on anything outside. Ah, social pressure...

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Swatch'd: Color Show's Vinyl Collection

Hi Dolls,

I'm always last to get the news from Maybelline, I just seem to lack the sources or pages to stalk... I normally 'sense' something's up when the latest limited edition just mysteriously 'sells out' and that area in the display stays empty for a while. So obviously this is what happened with the latest collection, although this time I did stumble across some blogs with press releases and knew about this collection.

I found the whole collection while I was shopping for dinner and other groceries. All together we have 5 shades here. Hey, I did some research and it seems in Germany there's only 4 shades: Teal The End, Record Red, Black to the Basics and Grey Beats. Additionally I saw a dark pink shade here which goes by the name of Pink Punk. I ALSO saw that listed a purple shade called Orchid, so I'm guessing all in all there are 6 shades in this collection..?

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Topper Time: H&M - Cracked Black

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Na, wer erinnert sich noch an diese cracked/shattered Lacke? Ich sehe sie nur noch vereinzelt in den Läden, auf Nägeln gar nicht mehr... Ich dachte es wäre Zeit diese Lacke im Rahmen der Topper Time wieder etwas ins Rampenlicht zu rücken, auch wenn sich die Meinungen darüber sehr stark spalten.

Does anyone remember cracked/shattered polishes? I only come across a few in stores and barely see them on nails anymore... I thought it would be time to show these babies some love again, even if they're a strong love-it-or-hate-it type of polish.

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Lovelaque Challenge - Glitzer (Glitter)

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Hach, Glitzer! Ich wollte ein schönes Glitter Placement machen, also lose Glitzerstückchen in mühsamer Fummelarbeit auf meine Nägel kleben. Hab' ich auch gemacht, fotographiert und entschieden, dass es kacke aussieht... Also hier das Design, das nicht kacke aussieht. Keine Sorge, ich sammle meine missratenen Designs alle und plane einen zusammengefassten "Fail Parade" Blogpost dazu.

Oh my Glitter! I really wanted to do a pretty glitter placement for this challenge. Which I did, took photos off and then decided that it looked like sadness. Thus I'm now sharing a second attempt that looks much prettier. But fear not, you shall not miss out on my misery! I'm collection all my nail fails and will be making a collective "fail parade" post, dedicated to all of them.

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N.A.I.L. - Ladybugs

Hi Dolls,

It's time for this month's last theme for the September NAILlinkup, as you probably already guessed from the title it's ladybugs. One last Spring theme to say good bye to Summer for good, heh. At least to me.

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Swatch'd: Feathered Fall by Catrice

Good morning dolls,

I was actually looking for the Check & Tweed collection on Friday, but instead I found the Feathered Fall one. I had to go pick a top from a store in the city on Friday, wasn't planning on polish hunting, but I still ended up hitting up two stores.

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Mädchenzeit: Pferdchen, Sterne und sonstiges Mädchenzeugs

Hallo Mädels!

Schon wieder eine Woche vorbei und schon wieder hab' ich was mädchenhaftes gepinselt. Hach, dabei wollte ich doch gar nicht jede Woche mitmachen..? Na ja, wenn's schon gepinselt und festgehalten wurde, will ich's euch auch nicht vorenthalten.

Another week has passed and I painted another girly mani. Well, I wasn't planning on joining in every month, but since I've already painted and photographed this skitlette, I might as well share it with you guys.

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Lovelaque Challenge - Obst (Fruit)


Seid ihr die Früchtchen schon Leid? Dann jetzt besser weg schauen.. Ich denke aber mal, dass das vorerst das letzte Frucht-Design sein wird, denn langsam habe auch ich mich damit abgefunden, dass der Sommer vorbei ist.

Are you sick of the fruits yet? Then I suggest you skip this post... But I think this is gonna be my last fruit design for now, seeing as even I have accepted the fact that Summer has gone (it helps that it wasn't even here to begin with).

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N.A.I.L. - Watercolour

Hi Lovelies,

It's time for this month's third challenge of NAILlinkup, are you excited? The theme for today is watercolour and it just screamed for my OPI sheer tints!

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Lovelaque Challenge - Only Essies

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Heute mal ein kleines Geständnis vorab: Ich bin auch ein bisschen Essienista, auch wenn man das vor lauter Essence Lacken gerne mal übersieht. Essie ist vielleicht nicht super innovativ mir ihren Farben, aber die Qualität stimmt für mich und die Farben sind zeitlos und vielseitig. Zudem mag ich die Formel und den Pinsel, so sauber male ich wirklich nur mit Essie! So, genug des Lobes. Hier ist das Design, denn heute dreht sich alles nur um Essie.

Lets hit this off with a little confession: I am a bit of an Essienista, even if this doesn't show under all the Essence polishes featured on my nails. Essie may not be the most innovative with their polishes, but the quality is right imo and the colours are timeless and versatile. I also love the formula and brush, I paint neatest with the new Essie brush! Well enough of all the lovey-dovey compliments and on to the design, which today features Essie polishes exclusively.

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Nail Art: Mermaid's Star Fish

Hi Dolls,

Lately I've been loving to do stamping designs with the plates I got from Messy Mansion. This time I used the Lily Anna plate I got (all together I got 3 plates, one from each of their brands/collections). Sizewise this one reminds me of the XL plates by Moyou London, the images are fairly big, maybe even a little too big for my tiny nails.

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Topper Time: Arezia


Abends und an Wochenenden schaue ich mir gerne mal meine Lacke an, mache Ordnung und sortiere sie hin und wieder. Dabei bin ich auf dieses kleine Schätzchen gestossen. Wortwörtlich, denn das Fläschchen ist winzig klein!

During the evening and weekends I like looking at my polishes and rearranging them. Recently I came across this little beauty. Literally, as the bottle is so tiny! It's one of the itty bitty polish bottles hiding in my stash.

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Preview: Rock Out! by Essence

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Mädchenzeit: Erdbeerzeit!

Hi Mädels!

Ach, welch' zweideutiger Titel... Eigentlich hatte ich ja nicht vor diese Woche schon wieder was für die Mädchenzeit zu lackieren, wollte es langsam angehen. Aber hier bin ich, mit ein paar Erdbeeren.

Strawberry Time! It's such a double-meaning title... Think Sharkweek, hehe. Anyways, I wasn't planning to do another girly mani so quickly, but here I am again with some strawberries.

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Travelogue: Milano 2014

Hi Lovelies,

My office shipped me out to Milano for two days to visit a convention, gotta love a job that sends you on adventures! I was accompanied by (or rather I accompanied) my colleague who originally introduced me to the magic that is Kiko! So there's a mandatory Kiko Milano visit everytime we are there, sometimes even two or three...
After my London Travelogue, I thought I could blog about my adventures and treasure findings in Milano too. Not really in-depth, I was there mainly for work, but I could sneak in a bit of polish shopping while store-checking. So here's an itty bitty shopping guide if you're ever in Milano, even just for the day or a long-ish stopover.

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Lovelaque Challenge - Land Design

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Heute steht bei der Lovelaque Challenge auf Instagram das Thema Land Design auf dem Programm. Ich wollte mein Design zuerst zu Japan machen, habe mich dann aber für Frankreich entschieden.

Today's theme on the Lovelaque Challenge on Instagram is Land Design, meaning a design inspired by a country. At first I wanted to do a design based around Japan, but finally decided to do France.

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Nail Art: Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky...

Hi Peeps!

Today I have some melancholic lemons to show you. I fell in love with this Moyou London fruit stamping plate and when I got it, I immediately wanted to do some lemon nail art.

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N.A.I.L. - Sapphire

Hi y'all!

I was planning to join the September NAILlinkup Challenge, but turns out I don't feel like wearing apple nails at.all. I tried so hard to get in the mood to paint some apples on my nails, but I just couldn't get myself to do it... So here I am for the second theme after skipping the first.

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Lovelaque Challenge - Gradient

Hallo ihr Lieben!

Die Idee für das heutige Thema stammt nicht wirklich von mir, ich hatte es irgendwann auf einem anderen Blog gesehen, aber natürlich weiss ich nicht mehr wo... Falls ihr es wieder erkennt, gebt mir doch Bescheid!

Today's mani idea isn't my own, I've seen it on someone else's blog before but of course, I don't remember when and where... If this design looks familiar, please let me know who originally came up with this!

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Swatch'd: Oktoberfest "o'zapft is" by Essence

Hello Lovelies,

I've never been to Oktoberfest (even though meanwhile we have our own lame version of it here). Heck, I don't even like beer that much! And yet I got super excited when I found this untouched display at my local department store.

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Swatch'd: Hello Autumn by Essence

Hello Lovelies,

Ever get those kind of days/weeks when life decides to punch you in the face and kick you in the shins, then proceeds to kick you as you're laying on the ground and finally spit in your face while you're still trying to process what just happened? Yeah, that's a re-cap of last week for me. I didn't even feel like going on a polish hunt on Friday after work, I just wanted to curl up in my bed and hide from the world...
But anyhow, I still went on my little adventure and let me just tell you: It paid off! It paid off so hard. I managed to get that last Aquatix polish I was missing and also the mint green polish from the Yes! We pop collection. And THEN I found a completely untouched display of the Hello Autumn collection. But it doesn't end there, the next day I found an untouched Oktoberfest display. Two virgin displays in two days, can you even...? Enough of the talk, lets just move on to:

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Mädchenzeit: Girls' Night Out

Hallo Mädels! (und Jungs?)

Ich bin wieder auf eine Aktion einer deutschen Bloggerin gestossen und dachte mir, dass ich da doch auch noch mitmischen könnte. Es handelt sich dabei um die Mädchenzeit von Lackverliebt und wie der Name schon verrät, geht's da um mädchenhafte Lacke und Nageldesigns. Die Aktion findet wöchentlich statt, doch ich beschränke meine Teilnahme vorerst auf 1-2 Beiträge im Monat.

I came across another German blogger's Inlinkz and thought I'd give it a shot! It's Mädchenzeit by Lackverliebt and as the name (girl's time) suggests, it's all about girly polishes and nail art. It's a weekly thing, but for now I'll just try to enter 1-2 a month.

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Lovelaque Challenge - Flower Power

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Es wird wieder mal Deutsch im Blog, denn es ist bereits Zeit für den zweiten Teil der Lovelacque Challenge auf Instagram. Das heutige Thema lautet Flower Power, also noch ein kleines bisschen Frühling/Sommer zum Abschied der warmen Tage, die nie statt gefunden haben (zumindest hier).

(English version below the cut!)

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Nail Art: Hello September!


As you may or may not know, Cadillacquer is releasing her new Fall collection this coming Friday, September 5th! I'm excited, are you? You should be, just go look at the amazing swatches that have been popping up on blogs and Instagram! So while I'm patiently waiting for the release, I decided to paint on one of the older polishes and of course, do some stamping.

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Preview: Essence October 2014 Trend Edition "cake pops"

Hi there,

Today I just have a short preview for you guys, it's a new Trend Edition by Essence. This one will be available from October throughout December 2014. I'm not really impressed by this Trend Edition, but see for yourselves...

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Lovelaque Challenge - Punkte (Dots)

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Wer mir auf Instagram folgt hat vielleicht bereits schon mitbekommen, dass ich mich dafür entschieden habe, dort bei einer Challenge mitzumachen. Da es sich um eine Challenge von zwei deutschen Instagrammerinnen handelt, dachte ich mir, dass ich zur Ausnahme auch mal auf Deutsch bloggen könnte... Ich werde es wohl in Zukunft auch mit der Topper Time so handhaben, da diese ebenfalls von einer deutschen Bloggerin stammt.

(No worries, English version below the cut! ;)

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